Redirected by another agent

You’ve created a redirect and it appears to be working, but when you use a redirect checker it says that something else is redirecting it. What does this mean?

Redirection is not the only thing that can cause a redirect. WordPress itself can, as can any other plugin, theme, or even your server itself.

If multiple agents are trying to redirect a URL – Redirection and your server, for example – then only one can succeed. If your server is performing the redirect then this will always take precedence over anything in WordPress.

Redirection has ‘Log external redirects‘ option that can help determine what is performing a redirect within WordPress. If you enable that and use the redirect log you should see more information that can help identify the cause.

How do I fix this?

Use a redirect checker and see if there are more details. If WordPress is performing the redirect then it may be:

  • Canonical URL – WordPress corrects URL variations (a missing trailing slash, for example). You can look at your permalink settings to help here.
  • Old post URLs – WordPress will redirect old post URLs.
  • Site URL settings – if your requested URL is slightly different (www or no www, for example) than the one configured in WordPress. This is found on your WordPress Settings page.

If another plugin is performing the redirect then you will need to look at that plugin.

If the server is performing the redirect then you will need to reconfigure your server.