What support is provided?

Redirection is a self-service plugin. It is provided as a tool for you to use and configure to suit your needs.

If you run into a problem or are unsure how to achieve something then you are encouraged to consult this support site. It provides comprehensive, but functional, information about using the plugin.

It may not provide specific details about your particular circumstance, and will not give you the exact steps to achieve your aims.

While every effort is made to make the plugin as easy to use as possible, some of the concepts are complicated, and you may need to consult third-party information and tutorials.

What kind of support is provided?

As mentioned above, this is a self-service plugin. You will need to understand and configure it yourself.

Support may be provided for:

  • Guidance on general redirect issues
  • Help locating support information (but please check yourself)
  • Bugs caused by the plugin

Support that won’t be provided:

  • A step-by-step guide to what you personally need to do
  • Confirmation as to whether the plugin can meet your needs – the answer will always be ‘maybe’.
  • Help with specific custom setups
  • Help with your server or DNS setup
  • Regular expressions
  • User agent matching
  • Bugs or conflicts caused by other plugins

Paid services are not available.

If you have custom needs, such as integrating the plugin with other systems, then you can find more information on the developer page.